The last 24 hours have been a bit traumatic. You see, I have a bit of an ego problem and I hate to admit any weakness. I would say this has been the hardest aspect of pregnancy for me. My body physically can't do some of the things that it used to be able to do, and I get super frustrated about it. For the most part I've been able to keep up with my regular workout routine, but I've had to make some modifications. Anyway, last night
Zac was getting ready to do P90X yoga, and I decided I wanted to do it too. I've done a lot of yoga in the past, but since I've been
prego I haven't done any. I jumped right into it thinking I would be fine.
Zac told me to take it easy and modify poses, but of course I didn't listen. Like I said, I hate to admit weakness. About 15-20 minutes into the workout I felt a huge pull in my belly followed by really sharp pains, so I stopped and decided to lay down. For the rest of the night I was having
braxton hicks contractions about every 10 minutes. Little Zion was moving like crazy and I didn't have any spotting or fluid leaking so I decided I would wait until morning to call the doc. I was a stressed basket case all night long and felt super guilty for being so selfish and risking the baby's health. The doc had me come up this morning to get checked. Basically, they scolded me pretty good, and told me to go home, drink tons of water, stay in the bathtub as long as I could, and then stay in bed the rest of the day, and watch for any bleeding, fluid, and monitor Zion's movement and the b.h. contractions. So far things are improving and everything is going to be totally fine, it was just a bit of a scare. I feel bad because Zion hasn't stopped moving for more than 10
mins the last 24 hours. I think I stressed him out. Hopefully he will soon realize everything is OK, his mom is just sometimes really stupid, and get a little bit of rest. And hopefully after taking today to rest, I will be as good as new tomorrow.
On a lighter note....
Zac took me shopping this past weekend to pick out a diaper bag for Mother's Day! I'm so excited! I found the perfect bag that matches the black & grey color scheme of the stroller and car seat and is gender neutral so I can use it with our next baby! I hung it on the back of the stroller and it looked so cute. I can't wait to start using it for the little Z man. And I promise I will be smarter and safer and get the little guy here without any more scares from me being stupid.
Silly girl...Glad you are alright and the baby is too. Take it easy and remember that you have all the time in the world to work out and get your pre-baby body back!
Looks just like mine! I have the lighter gray colored one but it has the yellow embellishment in the corner and everything- crrrrazzzzy!
Hey lady I thought I told you no early babies, I want you to do everything NORMAL!!! So I'm going to scald you for that one :) I'm glad everything is alright. You had such a great body before it will come back very quickly for you :) take it easy.
The Duncan's
Oh you little stinker!! You take it easy. Love the name, love the bag, love everything, love you!!
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